Welcome to Tara Channel Live! Making loving progress in deepening our relationship with our Soul on our spiritual journey is the focus of Tara’s SOUL SERIES of guided meditations.
Work with Soul to awaken Spirit in SOUL & SPIRIT. Next, discover your unique grace, the light and love you are, by working with Soul in SOUL & GRACE. And finally, discover your own voice and give voice to your Soul in SOUL & VOICE. Scroll down for more details about Tara’s SOUL SERIES, guided meditation series featuring Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni.
These two guided meditations provide a beautiful starting place:
Tara Meditation: Soul Seed of Potential – During this Full Moon Tara meditation, connect more deeply with your feminine intuitive side, to allow the love and the light of the Goddess that is reflected in the moonlight to give back more than the day takes away, to allow that healing that occurs in your dream state.
Tara Meditation: Eternal Soul – Journey with Higher Self to the Temple of Soul to be infused with eternity, communing with Soul beyond time and space, receiving a new sense of knowing and expansive emotion.
Read more “Tara is always there to help me get back on track”
In this guided meditation series Tara guides you to work with Your Soul to awaken Your Spirit in new ways.
SOUL & SPIRIT are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that expand your perceptions, with a beautiful process to connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul to awaken your Spirit in new ways, and to more consciously co-create with God/Goddess thereby creating success more elegantly and easily.

Included in the Tara Channel Live! SOUL & SPIRIT series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Activating the Magics
- Gathering Imagination
- Meeting with Your Optimal Future Self
- Integrating the Energies
- Experience Your Soul in New Ways
- Awakening Your Spirit in New Ways
- Communing with God-Goddess
- Imbued with Your Soul's Grace
- The Faces of Soul
We recommend doing the meditations in order and then afterwards repeating any single meditation as you are moved to do so.
Purchase the SOUL & SPIRIT Tara Meditation Series
In this guided meditation series Tara guides us to work with Your Higher Self to access Your Valued Self, connecting with Soul to activate your True Self.
SOUL & GRACE are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that expand your perceptions, with a beautiful process to connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul. These relationships are key to becoming your True Self to consciously co-create the new world of dominion with God and Goddess, and to consciously share your unique Grace with your world.

Included in the Tara Channel Live! SOUL & GRACE series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Journey to Your Soul
- Imbued with Dominion
- Flowing Soul and Gracious Giving into Your World
- A Ritual of Choosing Unconditional Love
- A Moment with Soul (Preparing for the Solstice)
- Working with Higher Self to Activate Your Valued Self
- Activating Your True Self to Discover Your Soul's Purpose
- Working with Soul to Activate Your Grace
- Working with Soul to Heal the Patterns of the Past
We recommend doing the meditations in order and then afterwards repeating any single meditation as you are moved to do so. For deeper levels of awareness and results, repeat the series.
Purchase the SOUL & GRACE Tara Meditation Series
In this guided meditation series Tara guides us to work with Higher Self to access the Valued Self, connecting with Soul to activate your True Self.
SOUL & VOICE are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul. These relationships are the key to activating your True Self and to consciously co-creating the new world of dominion with God and Goddess.

Included in the SOUL & VOICE series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Initiation
- Freedom
- Compassion
- Change
- Co-creating with God and Goddess
- Restoring and Activating Magic in the Imaginal Realm
- Experience Your Will
- Discover Your Stellar Origins
- The Voice of Your Soul
We recommend doing the meditations in order and then afterwards repeating any single meditation as you are moved to do so.
Purchase the SOUL & VOICE Tara Meditations Series
Deepen Your Relationship with Soul
with Tara’s Identity Shift Workshop

Tara works intimately with a small group of us in her Identity Shift Workshop to add new energy to the identity shift work we accomplished in our breakthroughs. We will continue our work with our Light Shadow and the Faces of Soul to bring in new energies to support the optimal future we are creating for ourselves. You will have a chance to work 1:1 with Tara and receive coaching from certified coaches in this group format.
How to Register for our Special Offer
When considering this opportunity, please ask yourself, am I in the process of making profound changes in my life? Am I wanting to change my image, to work with my beliefs in a new way, to release the past and change with elegance and ease? Check in with your Higher Self and Soul as well. If your answer is Yes please purchase Tara’s Identity Shift Program and we will coordinate with you for the next available workshop.
Subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE!
Soul Journey with Tara
Soul Journey with Tara Annual Subscription Plan includes all three Tara's SOUL SERIES as well as on demand access to many other Tara products such as Tara ACTIVATIONS and The Optimal Future Self Series. Click here to subscribe.