Tara has been at the center of my spiritual growth for many years. Through her I have gained insight into the way my negativity operates, its patterns and the shape it expresses in my life. I have come to learn how finite and predictable my negativity is and, even though I still get caught in it from time-to-time, Tara is always there to help me get back on track creating more love and joy in my life. Without her I doubt I would still be alive today and I certainly wouldn’t have the quality of life I have. I would

John Notarianni

Tara Channel Live! SOUL & SPIRIT are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that expand your perceptions, with a beautiful process to connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul to become more of your True Self, to consciously share your unique Grace with your world.

Included in the SOUL & SPIRIT series are the following Tara Meditations:

1. Activating the Magics

2. Gathering Imagination

3. Meeting with Your Optimal Future Self

4. Integrating the Energies

5. Experience Your Soul in New Ways

6. Awakening Your Spirit in New Ways

7. Communing with God-Goddess

8. Imbued with Your Soul's Grace

9. The Faces of Soul

We recommend doing the meditations in order and then afterwards repeating any single meditation as you are moved to do so.

Upon purchase, look for an email that will give you instructions for accessing your digital product. Please allow 24 hours for us to set up your access to SOUL & SPIRIT. If you have any questions, please contact info@tarachannel.com.

Tara recommends adding Shaman Cathy Stubbs LIVE! Sessions package to assist with releasing and integrating the changes that occur while doing this process.

Follow the SOUL & SPIRIT series with the next Soul Series of Tara Meditations: SOUL & GRACE, with a focus on working with Soul to discover Your Soul's Purpose and Activate Your Grace.

Attend a Tara Channel Live! Event on the Equinox or Solstice.


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