We are so happy you discovered Tara Channel Live! We look forward to working with you on your journey to becoming more of who you truly are, activating your Valued Self, and working with Higher Self, Soul and Spirit to create a purposeful life you love!
Tara Channel Live! Upcoming Events
REGISTER FOR OUR FREE EVENT: Monday Meditation and Q&A with Tara

Experience Tara Live on Monday Evenings at 4PM Pacific Time (7PM Eastern Time).
Do you wish to ask Tara a question during the Q&A?
Please fill out our Video Recording Permission Form
Hoping to review an earlier Tara Meditation? Our complete library of Monday Meditation recordings is included in our Healing Journey with Tara meditation subscription plan. Get started for only $14.97 a month (Save more when subscribing to our Annual Plan).
Subscribe to Tara Channel Live on YouTube
Our YouTube followers share their feedback on Tara Meditations:
“Hi Tara – Thank you, Sister. Thank you for connecting with your higher beings and passing us all these meditations and messages of love and unity. Sending you Love and Light from London.” @alexf749
”I went so deep during this meditation with Tara LIVE this week. I’m excited to experience this one again and again. Thank you Tara and Katharina!” @brianahouston1059
“An all-encompassing journey you will want to take more then once.” @aquaknowva
“It was so powerful and affirming, it helped me to make sense of my past and the pressure I used to put on myself to get everything “right.” I now choose to stop bullying and picking on myself, to be in my body, breathe and glide and freeflow, with on and through the currents of life. What a gift. Thank you so much.” @gwenrobinsonbodybasedpsych6029
”Such profound experiences these gatherings and meditations are. With each session moving us closer to the full realization of who and what we are. I am truly humbled and honored to be able to partake in such adventures with your guidance. With all my grace, I appreciate you and your offerings to the collective. Thank you for sharing, much love!” @torontoknightking2391
“So greatful to come across this message thank you.” @donnchapman3779
TARA Meditation Subscription Plans
Focus on Your Inner Being Throughout the Year with Tara’s Guided Meditations

You will love Tara Meditations not only to soothe and relax you but also to help you connect more fully with your Higher Self, your Soul and Spirit, and ultimately God/Goddess. You can easily and effortlessly feel inner peace and living from your grace, as you deserve! The ultimate Self Care gift.
Have you enjoyed our free Tara Meditations on YouTube? Imagine what you could achieve with access to our premium content!
Why Upgrade?
- Exclusive Content: Dive into Tara Meditations designed for you, to enhance your spiritual journey of awakening and becoming more of who you truly are.
- Discover and activate your Valued Self with Tara Activation mediations.
- Reinforce your own insights with expert advise in Tara Q&A’s.
- Explore new realms and co-create with others with Tara Events.
- Personal Growth: Continue your spiritual development with structured support.
Subscribe to unlock the full benefits of Tara Meditations and elevate your meditative practice!

Plans starting at $14.97 per month
(SPECIAL OFFER $97/year)
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About Tara Channel Live! Virtual Meditative Retreat Events
Celebrate the Solstice and Equinox with Tara
Working with Tara in an intimate group setting is the perfect way to honor yourself and harness the energies of the Solstice and Equinox as you set your intentions for the year ahead. During your time with Tara you will:
– Define what you want to let go of that no longer serves you, that which you want to change, and also what you want to create that is new for the coming year.
– Evaluate what changes you would like to put in motion in your life: in your relationships? in your health and wellness? with regards to your financial abundance and career? your creative pursuits? and even your spirituality?
– Understand the value you bring into this world that is uniquely you, and work more consciously with your Soul’s purpose, deepening your relationship with Soul.
– Commune with your Higher Self to activate your True Self to create more for yourself and your world that is in alignment with who you truly are.
– Receive a profound energetic healing to release the vestiges of the past and connect with your Optimal Future Self. Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing.
Tara considers our Solstice and Equinox events to be key foundational teachings of our work with Tara. Each event includes 3 cornerstone meditations to support our working with our Higher Self and Soul, to activate the Valued Self, and Consciously co-creating our reality with God/Goddess.
Breakthrough to a New You! with our BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program
Tara’s workshop helped me realize Soul as alive and touchable
“One important thing for me besides feeling closer to Soul and more intimate with Soul, both of which are highly important, is that the workshop brought the information to me of exactly how much Soul has supported me and given to me in my life, how much love they have for me and how much they will continue to support and provide love to and of me.
Feeling this is something I now would not ever want to live without as before Soul could feel distant to me, even as a concept instead of right there, now Soul is right in my space with me, under my skin. Tara’s workshop has helped me to realize Soul as alive and touchable and that brings me closer to the Goddess as Soul was created by the Goddess as her lens to see me. Soul is still mysterious and maybe not able to be known in its entirety, however after Tara’s Identity Shift Workshop I feel more intimate with Soul, know more of Soul, feel touched by Soul and feel I can touch Soul.”
Explore the 7 Faces of Soul with Tara Workshop
Reaching for More with a Spiritual Identity Shift
I wanted to let you know about a new program from Tara that is an amazing cocreative process from which participants are experience tremendous change: Tara's Identity Shift Workshop. This is a 5-week course that includes channeled information, live 1:1 interaction with Tara and includes one BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough with certified BodyMindSpirit! breakthrough coaches, John and Katharina Notarianni and Richard Stubbs.
Tara's Invitation to Shift Your Spiritual Identity
"The Identity Shift Workshop we have planned is for those of you who are working with your Optimal Future Self and who want to experience a shift towards the optimal future you are creating with more immediacy. This is not a necessary process, rather, this is for those of you who are looking for very concrete changes in a short amount of time. That is what the coaching accomplishes, for you are moving information from your unconscious/subconscious into your conscious mind where choices are made. And in making those choices, you are moving forward more consciously…"
Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni
Purchase Recordings from Tara Channel Live! Special Events
Restoring the Lost Gifts of the Atlantis Magician

It is an absolute honor to have talks with Tara and benefit from her workshops and meditations! She has helped me to understand so much about myself and has helped me to experience more of my self. Her clarity, and insights have guided me in my healing business and personal growth, and in my spiritual relationship with self, higher self and soul. Her patience, discernment and love are boundless. Thank you, Tara! You have made such a wonderful difference in my life.
Tara Meditation Series
The OPTIMAL FUTURE SELF series of Tara Meditations is designed to help you strengthen or develop a brand new living loving relationship with the You who is your optimal future, the You who already exists in the new world of dominion, thereby changing who you are in the present moment effortlessly and elegantly. This series is included in the FUTURE SELF JOURNEY with TARA and the SOUL JOURNEY with TARA plans.
Tara’s Soul Series of meditations is designed to progressively deepen your relationship with Your Soul. Deepen your relationship with Tara meditations included in the Soul Series: Soul & Spirit, Soul & Grace, and Soul & Voice. This series is included in the SOUL JOURNEY with TARA plan.
Tara’s guidance is unique. She helps us unravel the secrets and uncover the truth of who we are, to activate the Divine Being we are, and discover the Grace we each bring into the world. Tara’s teachings provide a foundation, a framework within which we can finally find the courage to express more of who we truly are.
We Welcome You to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey with Tara
Sign up for Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Subscription Plans
Questions? Contact info@tarachannel.com
Copyright Notice
©2025 Tara Channel Live. Celebrating 30 Years of Tara with Katharina and John Notarianni. All Rights Reserved.
Photo credits
- Login by freepik.com; Images from Unsplash.com: Monday Meditation with Tara image by Artem Sapegin; Tara Meditation Plans image by Zoltan Tasion; Lost Gifts of the Atlantis Magician image by Alexander Grey.