Welcome to Breakthrough to a New You! BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program

Our Breakthrough to a New You! BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program is an exciting new program that supports your Identity Shift Process, bringing elegance and ease to a process that when tackled alone can be frustrating, slow and produce a state of fear, anxiety and despair.
Get the support you need to make dramatic shifts – in the Breakthrough process, discovering and releasing with clarity what has been stopping you at the Unconscious level, while bringing in new energy for the future you are stepping – and with Tara’s love and guidance, work with your Higher Self and Soul to reveal the mystery of the Faces of Soul.
Breakthrough to a New You! Identity Shift Program features coaching provided by BodyMindSpirit! certified coaches and Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni. The program includes 3 Parts that will help you move forward, to make the changes you seek:
  • One BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough (10 90 minute sessions) – Address what is stopping you from shifting into you the More – discover and release old limiting decisions/beliefs and stuck emotions that are affecting your ability to move forward. Transform your perceptions and therefore also your experience of reality, to create a life you love.
  • Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop (10  90-minute sessions over 5 weeks) – featuring Tara as channeled by Katharina Notarianni – includes an indepth exploration of the Faces of Soul as channeled by Tara with transformative guided meditations and 1:1 personal interactions with Tara. Plus, the magic and support from other participants in this group setting create a special environment for spiritual growth.
  • BodyMindSpirit! Coaching – one group coaching session and one follow-up individual coaching session

What people are saying about their BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough:

“…My Breakthrough was a rich experience, one I would highly recommend for anyone caught in aspects of the past, and anyone wanting an expansion of finding more of who they truly are – expect to find just that.”
      — Cathy Stubbs
(read the full testimonial)
“When you need to know a new direction, for certain, the process John and Katharina provide is where you should go. Particularly for those at a time in life when a decision and choice is needed for a community not just for themselves; when a new direction is a priority;  their process is the right choice. Maybe letting go of the past, even a long-forgiven past, is required. This is dealt with elegantly. Maybe a completely different viewpoint is required. This is dealt with readily and with clarity. Understanding and empowerment is the outcome Katharina and John provide so effectively and elegantly. I strongly recommend their services in these times of challenges and opportunities.”
— Warren Berkholtz
“The program enabled me to shed layers of toxic decisions and beliefs that I had been aware of for at least 12 years but had not been able to disassemble.  The program has been more about finally healing or freeing myself from fundamental core beliefs and decisions to allow my true self to come out.”
— Helen Q.

What is a BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Breakthrough? 

This is a wonderful integrated coaching process that goes into detail and supports your identity/image shift. The breakthrough process requires a commitment of time – 10 coaching sessions (90 minutes each) over zoom that occur within a 2-week period.

Included in your BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough is a series of coaching sessions that cover the following processes:

–  A detailed personal history – working with the Unconscious/Subconscious to move information about energetic patterns into the Conscious mind where you have choice, to identify the root cause of the pattern; to release trauma if applicable

–  Timeline Therapy® releases for key negative emotions and super-charged emotions

–  Timeline Therapy® releases for limiting decisions that are at the root cause of the pattern

–  Identification of conflicted parts, Integration into the Whole of You process

–  Positive Learnings installed with a beautiful Hypnosis session (recording provided)

–  Your New Identity Values; A Timeline Therapy® experience to put a SMART Goal in your Future

–  Bonus Session to check-in and Celebrate Your Wins

–  Energy work to support your process to release and integrate the positive learnings

This process is powerful and effective, and will support you in the changes you are making.

We are certified Master Practitioner Coaches in Coaching, NLP, Time Line Therapy(R), and Hypnotherapy. We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted.

What people are saying about Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop:

“The process I experienced in Tara’s Identity Shift Workshop has been so amazing and wonderful, having an opportunity to work more intimately with each face of Soul with Tara’s guidance and insights. I love the depth, rapport and new levels of trust I am developing with my Soul from this remarkable process. I am grateful for the unconditional love and wisdom Tara brings with each interaction.” — Katharina Notarianni
“One important thing for me besides feeling closer to Soul and more intimate with Soul, both of which are highly important, is that the workshop brought the information to me of exactly how much Soul has supported me and given to me in my life, how much love they have for me and how much they will continue to support and provide love to and of me. Feeling this is something I now would not ever want to live without as before Soul could feel distant to me, even as a concept instead of right there, now Soul is right in my space with me, under my skin. Tara’s workshop has helped me to realize Soul as alive and touchable and that brings me closer to the Goddess as Soul was created by the Goddess as her lens to see me. Soul is still mysterious and maybe not able to be known in its entirety, however after Tara’s Identity Shift Workshop I feel more intimate with Soul, know more of Soul, feel touched by Soul and feel I can touch Soul.” — C. Stubbs, Shaman & Lightworker
“I’m very grateful for Tara’s help in the process of shifting my identity. I don’t have exactly the words to express it yet, but I know what’s coming. I can feel the change in my vibration. I can feel the change in how I’m accepting more and more of who I am. And understanding why I am in the physical now, and what role I’m playing, where I want to go, and that I will get there.” — N.W.  Crystal Healer

Tara works intimately with a small group of us in her 7 Faces of Soul Workshop to add new energy to the identity shift work we accomplished in our breakthroughs. We will work with our Light Shadow and the each face of the 7 Faces of Soul to bring in new energies to support the optimal future we are creating for ourselves. You will also work 1:1 with Tara in this group format.

What is Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop?

  • Explore the 7 Faces of Soul with Tara: Work with Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni to explore the 7 Faces of Soul. 2 sessions per week for 5 weeks – in session 1 Tara reviews the Faces of Soul with a guided meditation to experience and gather new energy from Soul; and in session 2 Time with Tara in a Q&A and an opportunity to share your experience to gain new depths of understandings.
    • The Naming: At the moment of your birth, the moment when you take your first breath and Soul enters your body bringing forth your true purpose for this lifetime
    • The Power: At around age 2, when Soul infuses you with an urge to be individual
    • The Time of Eternal Youth: In Adolescence, when Soul infuses you with an urge to go out into the World
    • The Wounding: In Adolescence, when Soul comes to you to turn you inward, pulling you back from the Outer World
    • The Shadow: Restore aspects of Self and pieces of Soul from the Dark Shadow
    • The Double: At around age 55, make peace with your past and gather new energy from the Light Shadow
    • The Remain: Work consciously with Transcendence and your death script

Is it time to get started with your Identity Shift Breakthrough?

When considering this opportunity, please ask yourself, “am I in the process of making profound changes in my life? Am I wanting to change my image, to work with my beliefs in a new way, to release the past and change with elegance and ease?” Check in with your Higher Self and Soul as well. If your answer is Yes, then please contact us at info @ tarachannel.com to find out pricing and how to register.

When you purchase this program we will coordinate with you to begin your BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough and add you to the next Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop. 

With love and peace.


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