The Joy of working with Tara
The Purpose of Life as a Journey of Self Realization
It has been a journey of separating from the ocean of oneness and consciousness that we call God, Goddess, All The Is. How does a drop become a drop when it is still just a few molecules floating in the ocean? For a drop to be recognized as a drop it has to have some kind of boundary. That boundary is the UNIVERSE we live in, a construct made up of Unconscious, Subconscious, and Conscious Mind, and levels of CONSCIOUSNESS we call Higher Self and beyond. As Tara likes to say, a bubble blown into existence by the Goddess. We volunteered willingly to enter this construct with the idea that we could separate ourselves from that oneness, forget about it, and discover something called INDIVIDUALITY (SELF), a concept that hitherto has never been. The adventure, and it is an adventure, of separating from (and longing for) is what we now call PAIN. Our first experience of this separation was the sensation of the separation, or what we have come to call FEAR of LONELINESS. From there our journey has spiraled into the many negative emotions that we are all so familiar with, the tiers of emotion. But that experience of separation that we are labeling pain, like everything in our universe that is real, has a duality to it, a positive component and that is the longing for the pain to end, a longing for wholeness, a longing for something more. TARA has said, and she is not the only one, that we as humanity, as human consciousness, have separated enough to reach our original goal of realizing what and who we are as an individual. The cost of this journey, which she said we never anticipated, was the pain that accompanied our choice.
Returning Home to Consciously Co-Create Reality
Tara on “Coming Home”
My Soul reminded me to remember the promise I made to Come Home in this lifetime…
“The key is in the word promise, for what is a promise but a commitment. A commitment is something you will see through until the end, no matter how much you get distracted or stray, you will always bring yourself back to who you are and why you are here by remembering your promise about making the map for others to Come Home to their True Self, to God/Goddess. You yourself already have made that map, but it is not enough to just know how to get there, it’s not enough to experience it briefly, you want to see it manifest in your world, you want to see evidence. And that is your Why, and it is a valid Why.” — Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni
And now we have reached the point in our journey where we no longer need to separate but now can answer that longing component to return HOME. But this time, when we return home, we won't become lost in that ocean of consciousness, rather we return as a fully realized "SELF." TARA has said the Goddess never wanted to create alone, all by herself, so she created God, in the beginning. In God/Goddess' journey of becoming more of who they are, our own personal journey to REALIZING A SELF is part of the plan so that we can participate in our small way in co-creating with them. We couldn't do that when we were just an "undifferentiated nothing" with no identity, no sense of self. The Spiritual Imperative that the Oracle of Delphi expressed so beautifully is "KNOW THYSELF." We were never alone on this journey although for it to meet our end goal, we had to feel like we are, we had to experience the illusion that we were.

What is Pain? Why do we have pain in our life?
The purpose, or intent, of our universe (our bubble) was to separate and learn what it is to be an individual, a Self, and as the ancients said, to realize our Self. It is a path of self realization. We didn't realize the result of separating would be this thing called "PAIN." but embedded in it, the Goddess embedded within us the LONGING, a calling to COME HOME, a faint cosmic memory of what it is to be ONE. It's in us, something calls us to come home, and she is always with us, she never abandoned us, even though it seems in our LONELINESS, our original Fear, that is the case. The journey continues…
Read more “Tara is always there to help me get back on track”
An Invitation
A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on this journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can't do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road. It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.
We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.
About Tara as Channeled by Katharina Notarianni
“Tara Meditations are exquisite. They begin with relaxation and take you into other realms to gather the energies needed to help you right now.
I’ve been channeling Tara for over 25 years and the message is consistent. Tara helps us clear out what keeps us from knowing we are deeply loved by God/Goddess, connecting us with Higher Self, Soul and Spirit, and reminding us that our very presence here matters.”
Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. Tara comes to us with love and peace, to share her wisdom as we continue our journey to become more of who we truly are. Throughout the Ages, Tara has been expressed as the universal Goddess energy. In Tibet, Tara is represented as the Mother of all Buddhas and is known as the goddess of wisdom, compassion and abundance. She is revered as the Star Goddess, and the Druids called their Mother Goddess Tara. In in Ireland, kings and queens were crowned on the sacred site, the Hill of Tara. There are many other such representations of the goddess, and Tara is consistently seen as a wise and loving being full of compassion for humanity.
Katharina has been channeling Tara for over 25 years. During the channeling process, Tara provides guidance on any topic that matters to you, including healing the Self, your relationships, your career and business endeavors, creating more abundance and metaphysical discussions. Please see our SHOP to buy event tickets and recordings. You can also email your request for more information to