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Tara Channel Live! Winter Solstice with Tara


the 2-day Virtual Retreat with Tara on the Winter Solstice


Restoring the Lost Gifts of the Atlantis Magician

– Harness the Magic of the Crystal Keepers

– Heal Your Past Lives in Atlantis to Move Beyond the Sorrow of Failure

– Experience Healing Energy with Shaman Cathy Stubbs

– Activate the Atlantis Magician Within with Sacred Geometry

– Utilize the Solstice Energies to Manifest and Co-Create Your Reality with New Focus and Intent


The Winter Solstice is an opportunity to value yourself more, to take time in this intimate group setting, to utilize the archetypal energies of the Solstice to attract to you what you want to create for yourself and your world.

Working with Tara in an intimate group setting is the perfect way to honor yourself and harness the energies of the Winter Solstice as you set your intentions for the year ahead. During your time with Tara you will:
– Define what you want to let go of that no longer serves you, that which you want to change, and also what you want to create that is new for the coming year.
– Evaluate what changes you would like to put in motion in your life: in your relationships? in your health and wellness? with regards to your financial abundance and career? your creative pursuits? and even your spirituality?
– Understand the value you bring into this world that is uniquely you, and work more consciously with your Soul’s purpose, deepening your relationship with Soul.
– Commune with your Higher Self to activate your True Self to create more for yourself and your world that is in alignment with who you truly are.
– Receive a profound energetic healing to release the vestiges of the past and connect with your Optimal Future Self. Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing.

Tara considers our Solstice and Equinox events to be key foundational teachings of our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations: Working with Higher Self, Working with Soul, Activating the Valued Self, and Consciously co-creating our reality with God/Goddess.

What are Participants saying about Tara:

Tara has helped me wake up to my Truer Self, to have a real relationship with my Soul and Higher Self. Thank you, Tara, for your unconditional love and patience.

Tara is a gift to me and so many others. Tara is able to identify underlying beliefs and causes for what is causing stress. Yet, more important, Tara shines a light on the way forward to happiness, joy and success.

Great Event! I noticed that my world is lighter, more luminous and open now.


This Virtual Retreat with Tara will include wonderful guided meditations to heal issues from the past that are stopping you from valuing yourself more and therefore manifesting what you want more elegantly.

Eagle Flight Healing Shaman Cathy StubbsA Healing Energy and Guided Visualization by Shaman Cathy Stubbs will help release, heal and align you with your Optimal Future Self.


Throughout the night, Tara will continue to work with you energetically via your Higher Self and Soul as you dream. There will be a longer break for lunch/dinner on Saturday and plenty of breaks throughout the weekend event.

During the interactive sessions of this event you will have the opportunity to share your experiences with the group, and ask Tara for her guidance. We will each record our personal intentions for the coming year in the powerful energy of the Solstice.

This event can be profound, and will help you move forward in an elegant and easy way.

What can you expect during your time with Tara during this Virtual Retreat? Here is an outline of the program Tara has designed for you to access the energies of the Solstice:


MEDITATIONS FROM the 2-day Virtual Meditation Retreat

  • Welcome to Winter Solstice with Tara
  • Tara Discussion/Meditation: Harnessing the Magic of the Crystal Keepers
  • Tara Discussion/Meditation: Healing Your Past Lives in Atlantis - Moving Beyond the Sorrow of Failure
  • Experience Healing Energy with Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Journey to the Valley of the Heart
  • Tara Discussion/Meditation: Sacred Geometry to Activate the Atlantis Magician Within
  • Tara Discussion/Meditation: Utilizing the Solstice Energies to Manifest and Co-Create Your Reality with New Focus and Intent

Questions? Please email

Copyright 2023 Tara Channel Live! and The Tara Channel with John and Katharina Notarianni. All Rights Reserved.


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