Shift Your Identity to become your Optimal Best Self
What difference would it make if you could consciously shed the life-saving child coping mechanisms that are very toxic to the Spiritual adult you and doesn’t allow you to be your True Self?
Welcome to ‘Breakthrough to a New You’ BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program, a transformative journey designed to empower your Body, Mind, and Spirit through a breakthrough process using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and energy work. This transformative experience is followed by Exploring the 7 Faces of Soul with Tara Workshop to explore and gather new energy for who you are becoming from Soul.
Part 1: Shift Your Identity with a BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough – A 3-week transformative process consisting of 10 90-minute individual coaching sessions to move information from your Unconscious Mind into your Conscious mind, which includes rewiring the brain…so that you can more consciously choose who you want to become.
- Explore the depths of your being through techniques rooted in NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and energy work.
- Discover powerful methods to align your body, mind, and spirit towards wellness, vitality and personal growth.
- Transform your identity consciously
Part 2: Shift Your Spiritual Identity with Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop – A 5-week transcendent experience of working with Higher Self and Soul to bring in new energies to support the new you, as you to step into your new identity, as you become More of who you truly are.
- Explore the 7 Faces of Soul with Tara: Work with Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni to explore the 7 Faces of Soul. 2 sessions per week for 5 weeks – in session 1 Tara reviews the Faces of Soul with a guided meditation to experience and gather new energy from Soul; and in session 2 Time with Tara in a Q&A and an opportunity to share your experience to gain new depths of understandings.
- The Naming: At the moment of your birth, the moment when you take your first breath and Soul enters your body bringing forth your true purpose for this lifetime
- The Power: At around age 2, when Soul infuses you with an urge to be individual
- The Time of Eternal Youth: In Adolescence, when Soul infuses you with an urge to go out into the World
- The Wounding: In Adolescence, when Soul comes to you to turn you inward, pulling you back from the Outer World
- The Shadow: Restore aspects of Self and pieces of Soul from the Dark Shadow
- The Double: At around age 55, make peace with your past and gather new energy from the Light Shadow
- The Remain: Work consciously with Transcendence
Part 3: Ongoing Support System with BodyMindSpirit! Group and Individual Coaching
- Benefit from ongoing support through group coaching sessions.
- Receive personalized guidance in individual coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals.
‘Breakthrough to a New You’ BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program details:
- Program Duration: 2 months of transformative inner work with the support of BodyMindSpirit! coaches and Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni
- What is included:
- Part 1 Your personal BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough to a New You! with certified practitioner coaches in NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis (10 90-minute sessions over 2-3 weeks);
- Part 2 Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop, channeled by Katharina Notarianni (10 90-minutes sessions over 5 weeks);
- Part 3 An introductory group coaching session and a follow up individual session with certified practitioner coaches to support your transformation.
- All sessions will be over Zoom.
- If you cannot make all of the workshop sessions, please don’t worry, Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul workshop will be recorded.
Join us on this profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. Shift your identity and empower yourself to live a life you love, authentically every day!
Please read more details below and if you have further questions, please contact info @
About our BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough Coaches

We are certified Master Practitioner Coaches in Conscious mind Coaching, NLP, Timeline Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy. We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted.
What is a BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Breakthrough?
This is a wonderful integrated coaching process that goes into detail and supports your identity/image shift. The breakthrough process requires a commitment of time – 6 coaching sessions (2 hours each) over zoom that occur within a 3-week period.
Included in your BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough is a series of coaching sessions that cover the following processes:
– A detailed personal history – working with the Unconscious/Subconscious to move information about energetic patterns into the Conscious mind where you have choice, to identify the root cause of the pattern; to release trauma if applicable
– Time Line Therapy® releases key negative emotions and super-charged emotions
– Time Line Therapy® releases limiting decisions that are at the root cause of the pattern
– Identification of conflicted parts, Integration into the Whole of You process
– Positive Learnings installed with a beautiful Hypnosis session (recording provided)
– Your New Identity Values; A Time Line Therapy® experience to put a SMART Goal in your Future
– Bonus Session to check-in and Celebrate Your Wins
– Energy work to support your process to release and integrate the positive learnings
This process is powerful and effective, and will support you in the changes you are making.
“What a fabulous experience!!!
My Breakthrough was actually life changing in that I shifted, renewed, and yes, I would say, rebirthed onto a different thread in my life.
The trauma of early life events released; also released along with it, life long beliefs borne during those trauma events, held by my inner child, old hidden emotions and attitudes, hidden deep in the unconscious and brought to light by the unconscious during the limited decision releasing. Belief, attitudes, thoughts and emotions – the raw materials we use to create our reality all set up in early life from experiences. And in the space created from that release – new thoughts/feelings of new identity, new dreams and new goals and the feelings accompanying them in expectation, and imaginings.
In the capable hands of coaches John and Katharina Notarianni and Richard Stubbs, the coaching was fabulous and fun having the benefits of their intuition, insights and sensitivities.
My Breakthrough was a rich experience, one I would highly recommend for anyone caught in aspects of the past, and anyone wanting an expansion of finding more of who they truly are – expect to find just that.”
— Cathy Stubbs
“For me the BodyMindSpirit! Identity Shift Program enabled me to shed layers of toxic decisions and beliefs that I had been aware of for at least 12 years but had not been able to disassemble. The program has been more about finally healing or freeing myself from fundamental core beliefs and decisions to allow my true self to come out.”
— Helen Q.
“The process I experienced in Tara’s Identity Shift Workshop has been so amazing and wonderful, having an opportunity to work more intimately with each face of Soul with Tara’s guidance and insights. I love the depth, rapport and new levels of trust I am developing with my Soul from this remarkable process. I am grateful for the unconditional love and wisdom Tara brings with each interaction.”
KN, San Diego
About Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop

Tara works intimately with a small group of us in the 7 Faces of Soul Workshop with Tara, to add new energy to the identity shift work we accomplished in our breakthroughs. We will continue our work with our Light Shadow and the Faces of Soul to bring in new energies to support the optimal future we are creating for ourselves. You will have a chance to work 1:1 with Tara and receive coaching from certified coaches in this group format.
How to Register for our Special Offer
When considering this opportunity, please ask yourself, are you in the process of making profound changes in your life? Are you wanting to change your image, to work with your beliefs in a new way, to release the past and change into more of who you truly are with elegance and ease? Check in with your Higher Self and Soul as well. If your answer is Yes please purchase our Breakthrough to a New You! Identity Shift Program and we will coordinate with you for the next available workshop.
Here is more information from Tara about the workshop and the identity shift BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough process that is part of the program.
From Tara:
“The Workshop we are planning is for those of you who are working with your Optimal Future Self and who want to experience a shift towards the optimal future you are creating with more immediacy.
This is for those of you who are looking for very concrete changes in a short amount of time. That is what the coaching accomplishes, for you are moving information from your unconscious/subconscious into your conscious mind where choices are made. And in making those choices, you are moving forward more consciously.
The work we will be doing in the 7 Faces of Soul Workshop is in addition to the shifts and changes that you will make in your identity shift breakthrough. The workshop follows the breakthrough process and will bring in the new energies of creation from a metaphysical standpoint, bringing in those energies of the new world of dominion, working with Soul to reclaim from your Light Shadow, energy which supports the new identity you step into from the breakthrough, bringing the more real into the physical plane.
So there is what is logical, there is what you know, and what you want, and then there is what your Higher Self wants for you, what your Soul intends for you, and that is something altogether different, isn’t it? What is the Goddess imagining? What is this new world that you are co-creating all about? It is so different from anything you have experienced, what you even expect to experience. It is beyond all that, something completely unknown. And yet more beautiful, more ecstatic, more joyful. And as you consider, what if I have those feelings, experience that state of being, of flowing my Love and the Light as part of my normal day-to-day experience? Can I truly feel safe to create something new?
And yet it is the voice of the Lesser Self that has the reluctance, the resistance, the sense of I’m not ready yet, the fear of failure, etc. The coaching Breakthrough helps you to consciously work with your Lesser Self, to identify the beliefs, to release the negativity, the emotions and the decisions that are part of a matrix that have resulted in patterns of behavior meant to keep you safe but aren’t a resonant fit for who you are becoming. We look forward to working with you, your Higher Self and Soul, and Spirit on your Identity Shift. With love and peace.” — Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni
Connect more deeply with your Soul in
Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop
Welcome to Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop
If you would like to participate in the next workshop, please email info @ to find out more about how to prepare for the next event.
Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop Agenda
Here is the agenda for our upcoming Tara 7 Faces of Soul Workshop in February/March 2025:
- Week 1: Thursday (10am PT / 1pm ET) & Monday (10am PT / 1pm ET) – Tara Q&A
Explore Soul Faces 1 & 2 (Inner Child healing experience) – Restoring Your Trust with the Universe – Remembering Who You Truly Are – Exploring The Faces of Soul Part 1 – awareness and remembering of the Soul Energy that was given to you (The Naming at the time of Your Birth and The Power at around age 2) - Week 2: Thursday (10am PT / 1pm ET) & Monday (10am PT / 1pm ET) Tara Q&A
Explore Soul Faces 3 & 4 (Adolescent healing experience) – Restoring Your Belonging – The Eternity of You – Exploring The Faces of Soul Part 2 – awareness and a remembering of the energy that was given to you (The time of Eternal Youth and The Wounding in adolescence) - Week 3: Thursday(10am PT / 1pm ET) & Monday (10am PT / 1pm ET) Tara Q&A
Explore Soul Face 5 (Working with your Shadow) – Healing the Original Pain – Flowing Your Grace – Exploring The Faces of Soul Part 3 – awareness and a remembering of the energy that was given to you and what needs to be restored (The Shadow – reclaiming from your Dark Shadow, now moving into the Light Shadow) - Week 4: Thursday (10am PT / 1pm ET) & Monday (10am PT / 1pm ET) Tara Q&A
Explore Soul Face 6 (The Time of the Double – working with your Light Shadow) – Making Peace with Your Past through Forgiveness and Consciously Co-creating Change with Wisdom – Exploring The Faces of Soul Part 4 – gathering the Light you are and moving into the Future (The Light Shadow and Time of the Double) - Week 5: Thursday (10am PT / 1pm ET) & Friday (10am PT / 1pm ET) – Tara Q&A
Explore Soul Face 7 (The Remain – working with your death script for longevity and transcendence) – Transcendence – The Ultimate Healing – A deeper understanding of the final face of Soul, how our Death fits into Co-creating Reality – Exploring The Faces of Soul Part 5 – The Remain / Death – when your Soul comes for you to transcend into a new plane of existence). Concluding Remarks and Next Steps.
If you have already experienced Tara’s 7 Faces of Soul Workshop
Introducing BodyMindSpirit! Group Coaching!
2025: Thursdays at 4pm PT (7pm ET) – 2 hour group coaching session
Featuring certified master practitioner coaches in NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis.
To register please email info @ and we will send you the zoom link.
Email info @ for your free invitation to experience BodyMindSpirit! Group Coaching.
Try this exercise (choose only positive words!) and read on…

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