Allow Tara to guide you through a series of 7 meditations to help you shift your resonance to attract more of what you desire and begin creating a deeper more meaningful relationship with Higher Self and Soul.
TARA ACTIVATIONS are unique Tara Meditations that will result in activating energies within you, along with a beautiful process to connect you with your Higher Self and Soul, to help you create a life you love.
What you will achieve by the end of the TARA ACTIVATION process:
- Create a living, loving relationship with your Higher Self
- Connect with your Soul and experience the eternal You
- Awaken Your Spirit and gather the energies of manifestation
- Understand what it means to Love yourself more and experience profound change in your relationships
- Receive and give from your Grace
- Activate your Valued Self and discover more of your Soul’s purpose
- Express your True Self, that part of you who is activated when you consciously connect with your Higher Self and Soul, and co-create with God / Goddess
- Utilize the Solstice energies to create more of what you want, a life you love
The TARA ACTIVATIONS Meditations Series is included in the Healing Journey with Tara, Future Self Journey with Tara, and Soul Journey with Tara subscription plans.
Through this meditative process, as you work your way through the series of TARA ACTIVATIONS: CREATE – LOVE – RECEIVE – CELEBRATE – CHANGE, you will be amazed at the changes you see in yourself and reflected in the world you are creating.

Tara Activations 1: CREATE!
Begin with the first series, TARA ACTIVATIONS 1: CREATE! and do the meditations in order for best results. Activate your Grace, connecting more deeply with your Soul. Activate your Imagination while increasing your desire and expectation, and open to new possibilities as you continue to activate new energies within you. Activate your love and will to strengthen the foundation of your magic. Commune with your Higher Self to integrate the energies and then connect with your Optimal Future Self to choose an optimal future. And finally work with the four elements while bringing in the timeless archetypal Solstice energies to create more of what you truly want.
Included in the TARA ACTIVATIONS 1 series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Activate Your Grace
- Activate Your Imagination in New Ways
- Opening to New Possibilities
- Activate Your Love and Will
- Integrate the Energies – Communing with Higher Self
- Choosing An Optimal Future
- Activate the Elements to Create What You Want (Solstice)

Tara Activations 2: LOVE!
With the foundation of Creativity in place, it’s time to turn to LOVE! In this second series, working with Soul, activating your Valued Self, the you who knows you matter, who knows you are loved, you activate your True Self, the you who is ready and willing to co-create All That Is with God and Goddess, from your individuality, from your worth, awakening Spirit to gather the energies… welcome to Phase 2 of Tara Activations. Included in the TARA ACTIVATIONS 2 series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Activate Receiving in New Ways
- Activate Your Valued Self
- Activate Your True Self
- Activate Dominion
- Activate the Divine Love within You
- Awaken Your Spirit in New Ways
- Gather Intensity to Create the New
Tara Activations 3: RECEIVE!

With LOVE! in your heart, you are truly open to receiving, from God, from Goddess, and with the receiving comes a natural flow of giving, of your True Self. Hope is restored along with your self worth and from this place to create something new that has never been… recognizing that you receive your reality, even as you consciously create it, there is so much more to receive when you are ready. Included in the TARA ACTIVATIONS 3 series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Celebrating You!
- Receiving and Giving Redefined for the Ever Expanding You
- Changing Your Image
- Utilize the Energies of Equinox to Create More of What You Want
- Resurrecting Hope
- Restoring Your Sense of Self Worth
- Creating Something New from Valuing Yourself
Tara Activations 4: CELEBRATE!

Within RECEIVING you celebrated the You that you are becoming, and yet there is so much more. As you Pause and Reflect, you prepare for Joy, you activate your Desire, Imagination and Expectation. You recognize the energies coming alive within you that finally have permission to play. In the Celebration, to become your Optimal Future Self, working with Spirit to gather the energies, recognizing it is time… to become your True Self, to dissolve the hesitation and put to rest the story that says you are not enough, instead to celebrate who you truly are! Included in the TARA ACTIVATIONS 4 series are the following Tara Meditations:
- Pause and Reflect
- Celebration of Joy
- Desire – Imagine – Expect
- Blend the New Masculine and Feminine Energies Within You
- Becoming Your Optimal Future Self
- Awakening Spirit
- A Deeper Activation of Your True Self
Tara Activations 5: CHANGE!
With each celebration a new dream is born. You quickly become aware of the limiting beliefs that need to be released. You connect with the Future to create a present against the backdrop of the past. What do you truly want to create, for yourself? for your world? There are new energies available that come from the Future you are co-creating, activate your Creativity, gather the energies, allow your perceptions to expand, and make the choice to Change! Included in the TARA ACTIVATIONS 5 series are the following Tara Meditations:

- Releasing Limiting Beliefs
- Merging the Past and the Future
- Utilizing the Solstice to Create What You Want
- Opening to the New Energies of the Year
- Activating Creativity to Create Something New
- Gathering the Energies to Open Your Perceptions
- Making the Choice to Change
We recommend doing the TARA ACTIVATIONS in the order given at least once and then afterwards repeating any meditation as you are moved to do so. Expect to experience profound levels of awareness and change each time.
With love and peace.
Tara Activations – Complete Set

The TARA ACTIVATIONS are intended to activate those energies that are required to move from where you are into co-creating your life with God / Goddess, bringing in the new world of dominion.
You will be amazed at the changes you see in yourself and the world you are creating.
Purchase ALL TARA ACTIVATIONS (SERIES 1-5) for the full experience.